Friday, April 08, 2005

Wired (Weird ??? ) Dream

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i'm having this dream frequently...a techy geeky dream..about living in a perfect geek home!! I dont knw from where i got these idea..but .... it may seem rubbish..but i'm sure some day this will become reality...naa..i thnk its already a reality now..Ok...the dream is that i'm having a digital home...with Intelligent equipments and furnitures...And a central node controling the home.... Suppose if i want to go out for a party at night...With a single button the entire house shud secure itself by closing security bots(!!!)..Shutting down music systems ,ACs to save Ebill,open the garrage doors and closing it ... seems a bit crazyy?? And when i return back ,the gate recognize my car by checking its RFid and open itslvs.The room coolers will be turned on and the temps will be maintained to my preset level..The control system recognize my mood and play the the music system accordingly...and after all a perfect sleep and ...ahem...i cud choose the dreams from a dream machine which is connected to my brain :).. so no more horror stuuffsss!!

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